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The Geek Quorum covers a wide range of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Tech topics, including movies, TV, videogames and board gaming, gadgets and books. Light-hearted and at times irreverent, the Quorum dishes out reviews and analysis in a casual roundtable format.

Dec 9, 2020

Season 2 of the Mandalorian begins in epic fashion. The action and effects were grand, but the story didn't seem to advance too far--with one big exception.

We discuss the show's sci-fi twist on traditional western themes, and speculate what the reveal of a mystery character could mean.

Mar 7, 2020

The first season of The Mandalorian comes to a satisfying conclusion with two strong episodes. We particularly liked Chapter 7, with its shocking turns that took the series to a new dramatic level.

Looking at the first season as a whole, we found a lot to like, and are eager to see what the writers do in Season 2 with...

Jan 3, 2020

The Mandalorian tries--and largely succeeds--with a "heist" episode. We appreciated the change in scenery and the new characters, but we have to wonder: Will the Baby Yoda storyline be adequately addressed in the remaining two episodes?

The show continues to create interesting characters but seems to dispose of them...

Dec 26, 2019

The Mandalorian suffered a drop in quality with Chapters 4 and 5, with a number of cliches and over-abundant fan service. Sure, Baby Yoda was cute, but we were hoping for advancement of the main story. Instead, it seems to be treading water while pandering to fans. And going back to Tatooine again?

There was a tiny...

Dec 6, 2019

The Mandalorian continues with two strong episodes. While Chapter 2 may have been essentially a side quest, the end reveal was a worthy payoff. And Chapter 3 sets the table for the direction of the series onward.

We discuss the compact nature of each episode and how the first three episodes, taken together, form what...